Transactions with MetaMask (temporary fix)

2 min readMay 13, 2021

This post is to inform you about an issue with MetaMask that recently surfaced after the launch of version 9.5.1. Users who keep AMB coins in their MetaMask wallet may find that they can not move their coins around. MetaMask is working on the issue and it should soon be fixed.

Do you need immediate access to your coins? From here on, though we will keep it limited, things may get technical. As always, proceed at your own risk.

Removing or editing the Currency Symbol

Since this version of MetaMask, you can not make transactions with AMB coins. However, to send AMB, you have two options:

  1. Change the Currency Symbol in the settings of the custom RPC for AMB-NET to “ETH”.
  2. Remove the Currency Symbol in the settings of the custom RPC for AMB-NET.

Note that after removing or editing this symbol, your crypto balances may display incorrect data. However, you will now be able to send AMB.

In the settings, leave the Currency Symbol field blank.

Let’s get technical

One community member was driven to write his own solution. “Tadej Humar” wrote a Python CLI for his own use that allows him to transfer AMB coins around. This is a fairly technical solution and works best if you know how to work with Python. Click here to find his solution.

Meanwhile, the community wiki has been updated as well. For a complete overview and more, visit the great wiki made by Jerome.




AirDAO is a community-governed blockchain and ecosystem of web3 dApps powered by its native token, AMB.